First, she went to the dentist, and after that she visited the library, which is only 5 minutes away by walking.
Few days before, she cried in front of the dentist surgery. Not because she was frightened, but she needed her teeth to be checked by the dentist by that very minute. She was supposed to have her appointment in few months. Luckily, we could reschedule the appointment. So, on Monday, she went to the dentist gladly, riding her scooter and with her Skye bag on her back, as if she was going for a picnic.
Medina always brushes her teeth twice a day, so she is fine.

After that, we visited the library, where she could claim her prize for summer reading challenge 2016.
This month, UK celebrates Roald Dahl and children are encouraged to read 6 books during their 6 weeks school holiday. It was called the Big Friendly Read, (and, yes, at that time BFG the movie was happening).
And Medina has read School Bus Trip, Titchy Witch & the Birthday Broomstick, Over the Moon, Dilly and the Goody-Goody, What the Ladybird Heard Next, and, her favorite: Room on the Broom. (Yes, she is a big fan of Julia Donaldson).
She got a certificate, a medal, a DVD voucher, some cards and a yellow rubber band.
She still has few weeks to the next reading challenge from her school: reading 17 books. so far, she already read around 14 books.
Well done, Medina!
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