Mom was thinking like...really? seriously? Because her end-of-term report is not that sparkling to get an award.
But hey...probably that's good enough to get one of the awards though.
But hey...probably that's good enough to get one of the awards though.
So yeah...then here we were, at school with all proud parents whose their children also got awards.
Frankly, mom was quite surprise to know that the categories of the award were so....how should we say it...so genuine!
They were "Creative award", "Curious award", "Never-give-up award", "Sport award", "Helpful award", etc and...Medina got one of these: "Best-friend award"!
They were "Creative award", "Curious award", "Never-give-up award", "Sport award", "Helpful award", etc and...Medina got one of these: "Best-friend award"!
All the categories are the qualities that basically everyone needs to survive and get along nicely with each other in this world.
Yeah...we were just thinking an old fashioned way that someone will get an award when he/she got the best test result in the class/school; with those high grades and ranks.
Sorry...mommy kan produk pendidikan jadul 

Anyway, Congrats Medina!
Keep shining my dearest!
(words by @mommy_memei)