Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Medina dkk Pentas Tari Topi

Tahun ini, Medina dan kawan-kawan pentas Tari Topi untuk peringatan 17 Agustus di Bristol. Dan demam "Love in Kamu" pun melanda kota ini.
Medina yang pakai legging merah, dan kayaknya yang paling ekspresif , hehehe.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Medina Just Won Another Award from Her School!

Yay! Yesterday, Medina just got another award from her school. It is called Megabot Award, for the best achievements in doing regular homeworks.
This time, she got the award because she is good at cursive writing.
The certificate states:
"Medina Azzahra is an excellent learner because she is able to apply what she does for her homework into her lessons at school".

Medina sat in front of all KS1 students (Year 1 to Year 3) with other award recipients. And the headteacher called the winners one by one, and read her/his achievement and asked their teacher to explain why they chose these particular students.

Good job, Medina! Alhamdulillah.

Some pictures and video:

waiting to be called

with the headteacher

Previous awards for Medina:  5 December 2016, 26 May 2016, and 16 May 2016.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Best of Summer (3): Medina's 6th Birthday Party

Finally, this is it!
After a long wait--Medina kept asking "Am I six now" almost everyday since April--Medina celebrated her 6th Birthday Party!
It is not a princess topic or anything like that. It is sporty!
We had the party a day after her birthday, at a Gymnasti and Trampolining center near our house.
Some pictures and videos:

Getting Ready:
getting ready to the venue

Let's explore the Gym!
bouncy castle
exploring the facility

Medina,  Trampolining

with friends

The Games

another game

the game
The Birthday Cakes and Lunchtime:

hungry kids

time to open the presents!


Best of Summer (1): Bristol International Balloon Fiesta
Best of Summer (2);  Liverpool's Beatles Tour

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

[Video] Medina and her Class Reward Jar

Medina and her Class Reward Jar  (and other Eid gifts) from Bristol's Islamic Sunday School.

Happy Belated Eid, Everyone!

the card said: "Jazakallah Khair and Thank you, Medina, for being kind to your class"

#latepost #btit #islamicsundayschool #eidmubarak #happyeid

Thursday, 25 May 2017

"Am I 6 today?": Medina's Birthday's list.

Being the youngest in her class, Medina got many 6th birthday party invitations from her classmates since last year. So, she wants to have her own birthday party and invite her friends to her "party club". Unfortunately, her birthday is still 3 months away.
Starting few weeks ago, she keeps on asking us the same question almost every day: " Am I 6 years old, now?"? She wishes that she is 6.
And she starts to make a list. And the list is getting longer and longer.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Medina sang Peragawati Cilik

Untuk kedua kalinya, Medina berpartisipasi dalam ajang tahunan Bristol Indonesian Society. Kali ini, dia menjadi peragawati cilik untuk fashion show baju daerah.
Acara ini digelar di Trinity Center, Bristol, 29 April 2017.
Berikut aksinya. Medina pakai baju hijau.


para model berpamitan

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Inek Berkunjung Ke Inggris Lagi!

Akhirnya,  setelah 4 tahun tak menginjakkan kakinya di Inggris,  datang mengunjugi Medina di Bristol. Dari 24 Januari hingga 12 Februari. Kali ini Akek absen dulu, dan Inek ditemani Tante Henny.  

Maka kami pun jalan-jalan. Tiga tempat utama tujuan kami adalah Bath (yang cuma sejam dari Bristol),  Cardiff (Ibukota Wales, sekitar 1,5  jam), dan tentu saja London yang sekitar 2,5 jam-an.

Di Bristol, kami pun mengeksplorasi khususnya daerah pusat kota (Harborside, Cathedral) dan tentu saja pusat belanja.
Bath adalah kota kecil yang isinya berkaitan dengan pernak pernik permandian. Di sini kami mencoba Fudge yang terkenal.
Cardiff adalah ibukota Wales yang bahasanya didominasi oleh konsonan. Selain Kastil, Bay-nya punya pemandangan yang indah, termasuk Doctor Who Experience.
London, tentu saja adalah daya tarik utama. Kami mengunjungi Big Ben dan sekitarnya (London Eye), juga ke daerah London Bridge dan Tower Bridge. Dan terakhir, ke Harrods yang gemerlapan.

Selain jalan-jalan, teman-teman kami di Bristol sangat baik hati mengundang makan dan mengajak jalan, di antaranya ke Swindon, Suspension Bridge, dan  Gloucester. Terima kasih banyak buat Mbak Willy, Mbak Nuning, Dewi Showering, dan Mbak Ina.

Berikut foto-fotonya:

Royal Crescent, Bath

ngopi dan nge-fudge di Bath

Cardiff Castle, Cardiff

di dekat Cardiff Bay

London Bridge City Pier, ngarah ke Tower Bridge dan Tower of London


Tower Bridge ada di belakang kami

Big Ben dari muka

Big Ben dari belakang

London Eye

Harrods, mal elite di kawasan elite London
di depan gerbang Buckingham Palace

Menonton upacara pergantian pengawal di Buckingham Palace

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Medina's first bungee Trampoline experience

31 December, the last day of 2016. Medina experienced her first Bungee trampoline. In Slo-Mo.